She wiped tears from her eyes. Was she really going to last the few months needed in this place? She had a good for nothing slob and lecher for an employer, the dress code was abominable and cried for Jah's mercy, the customers would eye her with lust, often forgetting they came in to satisfy their hunger, and then she had also used violence against the very same employer after losing her wits! What was she ever going to do?
The Beef Cutlet that was frying on the pan was positively charred now; she set the pan to the side, deciding to take a break. At that moment, the door to the kitchen creaked, and she saw Site's head peek in. Before she realized it, a metallic clang issued from the door frame - she had chucked the hot pan in panic. She heard Site scream and she ducked, closing her eyes and blocking her ears. She did it again!
Tears were welling up in her eyes again, but she was jolted by someone wrenching her hands away from her ears.
"Will you .... listen ... to me for a second??" came a familiar, but annoyed voice.
Mari opened her eyes, recoiled and scooted over to the furthest away corner of the kitchen as she saw Site's labored expression.
"For Jah's sake, just calm down, will you!?" again Site's voice boomed.
She was fired for sure, now. Jah have mercy, she may have to resort to selling her body when Site kicks her out - no other place had given her a chance with what she was able to do, and now her last ditch effort had failed through her lack of self control.
"I'm sorry, Mari," she heard through her sobs. "Here come the dreaded words..." she thought as she waited for him to continue.
He sat down next to her and heaved a sigh. Mari soon realized something was off. Quickly rubbing her eyes with her hands and turning to look at Site, she read what she was not expecting on his face: concern and fatigue.
"You see, running a tavern can be quite difficult at times," he motioned with his right hand towards the kitchen, then with a sweeping gesture to the wall and the rest of the building. "People expect you to be present at any time of day and night and to entertain them." She heard him chuckle briefly. "Heck, then they want you to be their cook, guide, town information center, and to give them a discount on the ale, 'cause they know it doesn't cost as much to produce as I am selling it to them at." Another sigh and Mari was starting to feel sorry for the guy. Another chuckle issued from Site.
"And then I find out you're fond of me and shy as a result."
"HUH??" she thought, as she looked at Site as though he had just put on a pink tutu and profuse makeup. He took notice and it seemed to throw him off, as his face cycled through various stages of surprise and confusion;
Finally, to her bewilderment, he erupted in laughter. She stared at him silently as he wiped the tears now rolling down his cheeks. This guy must have fallen down a flight of stairs in his childhood, she was sure of that now.
"Oh... hahaha... too funny ..." he muttered as he continued rubbing off the tears while spastic of laughter, "...way to misinterpret .... hahaha... things..."
She was beginning to grow annoyed with his demeanor as he took a deep breath and uttered the first complete sentence in the past minute:
"Here I thought you were sneaking peeks at me in admiration, but in reality you were weary of what I might do next!"
She observed him silently as he reached into the pan she just tossed, the charred remains miraculously remaining there - that is, before he took them in his hand and started gnawing at the cutlet with his teeth. Positively alarmed, Mari recoiled and stared intently at what his further actions might be.
"If goof buf cook if a li'l flow'er" She barely understood what he said, but he took the cutlet out of his mouth before continuing.
"Relax. I know you can cook well and you're beautiful, to boot, so take your time getting used to being here, and I'm sure you'll do well." Mari felt her face flush a little - she was not expecting praise and encouragement - not after she nearly killed him, twice!
"Tell you what," he continued, "go ahead and run upstairs. I gather you need rest." After she looked at him questioningly, he added, "I'll take care of things around here on my own, so no worries. I've done this for years, so one day more won't make a difference."
Mari slowly got up, then looked back at Site.
"Yes, go on now, you need the rest, and I can deal with what tavern business comes my way." She saw him pause for a moment. "There were many taverns who competed with mine," Mari heard him continue, "and the reason mine won out is not cause I was the loudest screaming, biggest gain-touting tavern of them all. No," she heard him sigh yet again, "it was my blood, sweat and tears that attracted the customers to my presence that allowed the town to prosper." Tired with him sighing again but not able to help against it, she bore with it, and listened on. "I've a guilty conscience that I allowed the town to whittle away while I had my own moments of weakness. I need these people back and active once more!".
Mixed in emotions, Mari half smiled at Site's sprawled figure on the floor, then quickly proceeded up the stairs out of cutomers' looks' reach, before she crashed on a bed and fell asleep amidst trying to process what she'd just heard from Site.
All she knew was she wasn't fired, and maybe Site wasn't as bad a lech she thought he was. He DID go out of his way to, and to his personal peril, comfort her while she was down. He couldn't be as bad as she originally thought!