May 15, 2010
1:42 pm
I'm currently working on bringing back up the poetry section. Of course, that will also be database driven - and I expect to add a rating feature, something I've been thinking about for a while. We'll see how it goes!
May 13, 2010
11:39 pm
Just got done proofing the bugger against some URL hacking so that ridiculous values don't make it go haywire and display unpleasantly looking errors. Yay. Go me! :D
May 13, 2010
10:57 pm
This is just a test reel :P I am obviously ecstatic about this thing actually working as it should - "pleased" just does not do it justice haha. I'm quite certain I'll be reusing this functionality for other parts of this website - I can see how the Art, Music and Poetry sections can benefit from a database feed. Perhaps even the programming section could use it. We'll see!
May 13, 2010
10:47 pm
Woo hoo! Database hooked up, and we're live! The feed you're seeing here is mooching right off the news feed database I set up. No more setting up HTML code so that I can add news items! As a bonus, I've styled in some time stamps so that you have an idea of when I add the news reels. Sorry, all the previous stuff I have no idea when I added... so it'll remain an "anonymous" 12:00 pm XD
May 13, 2010
4:00 pm
Wow, a lot is going on now! I've entirely split the layout and content, and modularized it so that changes to the layout are immediately site-wide and used PHP so that I can have a more dynamic website. Of course, there's a long way to go yet! ... and this is the only page that works, once again :D
... Ok, I lied, the forums work too :P
April 20, 2010
12:00 pm
I have started moving the website away from using tables, and instead using styled div tags. Surprisingly, the code gets significantly simplified with the switch. After the projects are done, I'll focus on utilizing php to bring about more flexibility to the site without using mind-bending scripting and having to type out a whole lot of the HTML. Call it The Lazy Factor, if you want; I call it Efficiency.
September 08, 2008
12:00 pm
Due to a bit of a lack of time and other factors, I have not been able to more than touch the development of the site for a week or so. The prognosis for the next few days isn't much better. I have at least updated the bar on the left to have all the links linked - even if the Music and Programming ones point to exactly nowhere at all.
September 01, 2008
12:00 pm
Back from my absence, now I am working towards getting my art section up and running with full-speed ahead. Right now, only glimpses of the art section are there... much content is yet to appear for viewing. Keep checking back, I'll make sure to add more whenever I can.
August 29, 2008
12:00 pm
All the poetry pages are now set up and ready to roll. I've added two new ones as far as 2008 is concerned, two old ones that I missed in my tally, and there's still some vintage ones left over that go as far back as 2004 (yes, more to that year! :D). I will add those upon my return home. I will then ponder which section to start on next - the art or the music. I'll have time to think about that over the weekend, but I'm leaning towards art since there's less of that - which is less to do but more feeling of accomplishment :P.
August 28, 2008
12:00 pm
I am currently working on preparing the pages of poetry from before 2005 and linking them to the appropriate listing. I expect this will take some time, but I should be able to get a good chunk of the work out before the day's out. Hopefully, tomorrow will bring a bit of additional time to work on this, too.