11 May 2004
I Am Still Human
I tend to strive for perfect-scoring tests
While, for a challenge, I do not study.
Yet, I sure do know, amid all made jests,
I am still human; thus, errors I make.
I feel I’m the object of anger vent
By those who I see every single day.
They somehow believe that to no extent
I am still human; thus, errors I make.
Loneliness strikes me mad; there is no cure
To such diseases, if such name is right.
I tend to give up when I can’t endure –
I am still human; thus, errors I make.
I sanction time according to my plans,
But the simplest of plans tends to falter
When I lack the strength to boldly advance:
I am still human; thus, errors I make.
I’m the mouse cornered by a dozen brooms
Sweeping wildly without restraint at all,
Because everyone still wrongly assumes
I am still human; thus, errors I make.
My thoughts or my life: which torments me more?
I walk day to day like a blinded man,
Looking for feelings that I lost before.
I am still human; thus, errors I make.