3rd Qtr 2006
Torn Apart
A missing piece to the puzzle,
A bothering thought astray,
A link that always breaks
All bring me to dismay.
A part of me is missing,
Something has bound wrong.
I wish someone was here for me
So I could still stay strong.
A loneliness that breaks,
A longing that tears,
A heart filled with fears
Set me crying for release.
I keep losing track in chaos,
I keep finding out I'm late,
I keep standing out alone
Being all I dearly hate.
I watch life smirk in my face,
I watch as it breaks apart,
I watch as there grows a muteness
Somewhere deep within my heart.
My resolve is nonexistent,
My responses are all "no,"
My fears keep all distant to me
So that no one gets to know.
As I watch my faith unravel,
As I watch my dreams all fade,
As I watch the pieces shatter,
You just wonder what I made.